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Foundation 1: Nursery

Welcome to our Nursery page!

We have an amazing nursery which stands separately from the other buildings.
We have 32 full-time places and 20 spaces for the morning and another 20 for afternoons.
For more information about admissions to nursery, click HERE.

On this page, you will be able to find out what we are learning for the current half-term. You will also be able to access our curriculum newsletters. 

Our Nursery is led by Miss Reeves and her team, including experienced teaching assistants with experience in Early Years. 


Welcome back to Nursery.
We hope you had a great Easter break! We are looking forward to a fantastic Summer term, with lots of sunshine!
This half-term, our topics include Spring, Planting and Growing, Farm Animals, Animals Around the World, Under the Sea and our Well Being.
In addition to this, we have some exciting days planned for Well Being Day and Green Day.

In Maths, we will continue to recognise and subitise with numbers to 10. We are also beginning to use clever maths vocabulary such as, add and subtract.

Don't forget to check our Dojo page for weekly updates and photos of what we have been getting up to.

Thank you for your continued support.

Miss Reeves and the Nursery team. 

Please do not hesitate to contact Miss Reeves if you have any concerns or questions.